14th National Eagle Census – 13-15 January, 2017

Tue, 10/01/2017 

The Raptor Conservation Department and the Monitoring Centre of MME are organizing the 13th National Eagle Census in collaboration with national park directorates and other non-governmental organizations, as well. Its aim is to monitor the wintering population of birds of prey species in Hungary. There are several important wintering sites for Eagles in Hungary.

"Falco" the detection dog also helps the LIFE projects to recover GPS-tagged birds


Another, satellite-tracked Saker Falcon was electrocuted, this time in Slovakia. The case was revealed by the bird's transmitter. So far, six adult Saker Falcons have received GPS-based tracking devices in the frame of the conservation project "Securing prey sources for endangered Falco cherrug and Aquila heliaca populations in the Carpathian basin” (RAPTORSPREYLIFE) LIFE13 NAT/HU/000183, supported by the European Union.

Predators in eagles’ diet


Birds of preys have always been considered by game-keepers as pests which take a serious toll on the populations of their “precious” small game species. One would never think that certain raptors, notably Imperial Eagle and White-tailed Eagle in Hungary, being on the top of the food chain, are the most effective regulators of the populations of such species, mainly corvids and mammalian predators, which are hunted legally otherwise, therefore benefitting hunters.

New chapter starts in the fight against poisoning of eagles

1 October, 2016

Although, fight against illegal bird poisoning may seem to be tilting at windmills, fortunately close cooperation of stakeholders has greatly improved the situation in recent years. MME/Birdlife Hungary had coordinated the EU and government funded Helicon Life programme between 2012 and 2016, which aimed to reduce poisoning of the Imperial Eagle.
