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After-LIFE Conservation Plan for the Eastern Imperial Eagle in the Pannonian Region between 2023 and 2027 


Príručky a protokoly

Terénna príručka - Postup v prípadoch vtáčej kriminality (with EN summary)

Príručka - Poľnohospodárstvo a poľovníctvo vo vzťahu k ochrane dravcov (with EN summary)

Veterinárny protokol pri terénnom náleze uhynutých jedincov dravcov, postmortálnej diagnostike alebo poskytnutí primárnej veterinárnej starostlivosti (with EN summary)

Materiály pre verejnosť

Príručka na určovanie veku mláďat orla kráľovského (Aquila heliaca)

Leták - Pozor otravy! Ako rozpoznať úmyselne otrávené dravce

Plagát - Pomôžte pri ochrane dravcov

Annual report on bird crime incidents in the Pannonian region - 2017

Annual report on bird crime incidents in the Pannonian region - 2018

Annual report on bird crime incidents in the Pannonian region - 2019

Annual report on bird crime incidents in the Pannonian region - 2020

Annual report on bird crime incidents in the Pannonian region - 2021

Evaluation of small game and bird monitoring data

Report on overall impact of the project on reducing bird crime incidents in the Pannonian region between 2017 and 2022

Genetic monitoring and Survival Report Life 2017-2022

PVA Summary Report

Anti-poisoning Working Group protocol package (Click the link to read and to download):

  1. FIELD INVESTIGATION PROTOCOL - In case of suspected bird crime
  2. VETERINARY PROTOCOL - Established protocol for examining and using therapy to treat injured or dead birds of prey >>
  3. POLICE INVESTIGATION PROTOCOL – In case of suspected bird crime >>

Articles about the Imperial eagle from Heliaca (Vol. 16) Journal. (Click the title, a short English summary is available at he end of each article):

1. János Bagyura, Miklós Váczi, Tibor Juhász , Iván Demeter & Márton Horváth: Analysis of prey composition of Eastern Imperial eagles (Aquila heliaca) by using nest camera systems.

2. Gábor Deák, Tibor Juhász, Márton Árvay & Márton Horváth: The situation of wild animal poisoning in Hungary between 2017 and 2019

3. Gábor Deák, Imre Fatér, Tibor Juhász & Márton Horváth: Causes of death, injuries and diseases of Eastern Imperial Eagles (Aquila heliaca) in Hungary between 2010 and 2019

4. János Bagyura, Imre Fatér, Tamás Szitta & László Haraszthy: Breeding of the Eastern Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca) in lowlands with special regards to the period between 1985 and 1995

5. Imre Fatér, Tibor Juhász & László Szász: Winter supplementary feeding of Eastern Imperial Eagles (Aquila heliaca)

6. Imre Fatér & Tibor Juhász: Monitoring breeding success of Eastern Imperial Eagles (Aquila heliaca) with the help of drones

7. Márton Horváth, András Kleszó, Csaba Pigniczki, János Bagyura & Tamás Szitta: Nest building activities of Eastern Imperial Eagles (Aquila heliaca) on high-voltage pylons in Hungary

8. Márton Horváth, Imre Fatér, Tibor Juhász, Gábor Deák & Attila Bereczky Attila: The nesting population of Eastern Imperial Eagles (Aquila heliaca) in Hungary between 2017 and 2019