Life and death of OSLI, the young imperial eagle
Wed, 29/03/2017
"Osli" - named after the region where he hatched – fledged from a nest lying near the Austrian-Hungarian border last year. Together with four other imperial eagle nestlings it was tagged in the frame of an Austrian-Hungarian cooperation last summer (Technisches Büro für Biologie - Mag. Dr. Rainer Raab, the Fertő-Hanság National Park Directorate and MME/BirdLife Hungary).
The movements of "Osli" could be tracked live on the website ( Our young eagle spent the winter in Crete, and started to return to the Carpathian Basin in mid-March.
In the last days of March, Rainer Raab, the tracking expert from Austria alerted the ranger service of the Kiskunság National Park Directorate, and a colleague immediately rushed to the scene.
Unfortunately, the bird was found dead, lying near to a high-voltage power line. Examination of the carcass makes it inevitable that the death was caused by collision with the powerline cable.
However, Osli's death is not without lessons:
It calls attention on the important effect of high and medium voltage power lines as human-caused mortality factors threatening our birds of prey. Without loggers these carcasses are cleared quickly by predators and the cases usually never come to light.
The modern GPS-based tracking opens a whole new world to the researchers. This is illustrated by the following two maps comparing the data supplied by the ringing recovery and the GPS transmitter.
All information and their rapid exchange among the affected ornithologists show a beautiful example how our bird conservation efforts stretch across the borders. Thanks to every person involved for their help.